Lafayette County Tax Collector - Chuck Hewett | Mayo, Florida | 386-294-1961
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Motor Vehicles
Driver Licences & ID Cards
Hunting & Fishing
Boats & Vessels
Mobile Homes

Licensing Information

  • Motor Vehicles
  • Driver Licences & ID Cards
  • Hunting & Fishing
  • Boats & Vessels
  • Mobile Homes

  • Motor Vehicles
    All motor vehicles and trailers in the State of Florida must be registered or titled. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector, in his capacity as agent for the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, to provide the necessary services and operations to accomplish this job. The Tax Collector works very closely with this state agency to ensure all transactions are conducted according to state statutes.
    Florida Dept of Highway Saftey & Motor Vehicles website
    More info: Motor Vehicles, Tags & Titles

    Driver Licences & ID Cards
    Drivers licence services are available from the Lafayette County Tax Collector's office.

    I now have a system in place for those customers who have trouble reading. I’ve had software installed that will read the written test to you through the use of headphones. If you wish to take the road test, please call the Office to schedule an appointment. If you have questions about the documentation that is required to obtain, renew or replace your Driver License please contact the office.

    Our office ours are 8:30am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday.
    Please call 386-294-1961 for more information.

    Florida Dept of Highway Saftey & Motor Vehicles website
    More info: Driver Licenses & ID Cards


    Hunting & Fishing
    The State of Florida requires the issuance of hunting and fishing licenses and permits. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is the state agency that oversees the hunting and fishing rules, regulations and conservation districts. The Tax Collector is responsible for selling various licenses within the county.

    To better serve the public, tax collectors are permitted to contract with local businesses (i.e. sporting good stores, bait/tackle shops, etc.) who are allowed to sell selected licenses on behalf of the Tax Collector.

    Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Hunting & Fishing Resources
    More info: Recreational License and Permit Requirements

    Boats & Vessels
    As an agent for The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Tax Collector is responsible for providing the necessary service and record keeping procedures used in processing vessel titles and registrations. All motorized vessels, commercial and private, must be registered titled and issued a decal before they can be used in Florida waters. The decal must be affixed to the port side of the boat.

    Vessel registrations expire at midnight of the owner's birthday.

    Vessel registration fees are based on the length of the boat.

    Florida Dept of Highway Saftey & Motor Vehicles website
    More info: Vessel Titling and Registrations


    Mobile Homes
    In Florida, mobile homes must be registered. A numbered decal, instead of a metal license plate, is issued for identification. Mobile home registrations must be renewed annually by December 31. A delinquent fee is charged if the registration is not renewed by the 10th of the following month.

    Registration fees are set by the Department of Motor Vehicles and are based on the length of the mobile home. Double wide and triple wide mobile homes are considered two and three separate units respectively, and the owner must purchase decals for each unit. Mobile home owners are required to display the decal in a window so that it is clearly visible from the road in front of the home.

    Mobile home registrations are automatically processed when an application for the title is made for the home.

    Mobile home owners are subject to ad valorem taxes. If a person owns the land on which their mobile home sits, they are responsible for real estate property taxes. If a person owns the mobile home, but not the land on which it sits, they may be subject to tangible personal property taxes.

    Florida Dept of Highway Saftey & Motor Vehicles website
    More info: Motor Vehicles, Tags & Titles - Liens and Titles
    RS-10 (pdf): Motor Vehicle Procedure Manual (Mobile Home Registrations)


    Street Address Office Hours Mailing Address
    Lafayette County Tax Collector
    120 West Main Street
    Mayo, FL 32066
    386-294-1961 -phone
    386-294-2462 -fax
    8:00am - 5:00pm (Mon-Fri, except holidays)
    Lafayette County Tax Collector
    PO Box 96
    Mayo, FL 32066

    The information on this website was derived from data which was compiled by the Lafayette County Tax Collector office for the governmental purpose of tax collection. This information should not be relied upon as a determination of the ownership of property or market value and does not constitue a title search. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the accuracy of the data herein, it's use, or it's interpretation. Although it is periodically updated, this information may not reflect the data currently on file in the Lafayette County Tax Collector office. The Lafayette County Tax Collector, its employees, agents, and personnel make no warranty of merchantability or warranty for fitness of a use for a particular purpose expressed or implied with respect to the information available on this website.
    © Lafayette County Tax Collector | Chuck Hewett | Mayo, Florida | 386-294-1961 by: GrizzlyLogic (g4)